PhotOnline 2023

The event

PhotOnline is a free online conference organized by and for young researchers of the SP2P (Photochemistry, Photophysics, and Photosciences) division from the French Chemical Society (SCF). This meeting creates an opportunity for young researchers, such as Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers, to present their own research and  foster interdisciplinary conversations and further collaboration within the community. This second edition of the PhotOnline 2023 conference is open to international speakers with vast knowledge of the frameworks of SP2P such as chemical synthesis and transformation, fluorescent sensors, electron and energy transfer processes, often studied by advanced spectroscopy and simulation tools.

You can find the flyer of the event here, the SP2P website here : 


You can find the booklet of the event here.

And the PhotOnline page on the SCF website here : 


This conference is fully online, on the Gather Town platform.

Invited Keynotes

Karl BÖRJESSON- University of Gothenburg
Serena SILVI - University of Bologna
Peter DEDECKER - KU Leuven
Adèle LAURENT - University of Nantes


Three kinds of communication are planned:

-          Regular oral communication of 10 minutes with a 5 minutes questions session

-          Flash communications of 3 min with a slide support 

-          Posters communications during the coffee breaks 

Registration and submission

This event is free of charge. Abstract submission is now closed.


The program is available on the website.

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